I’m keenly aware of my neglect of this blog. I think about it often, but things have gotten away from me. I’ve been doing new art and branching out, but my hands still aren’t keeping up with the ideas and inspiration backlog in my brain. During the hiatus, I’ve done my largest-ever piece, which took over 40 hours to complete and has been accepted into my first juried show. I’ve been taking thrift store finds and building onto and in them — particularly metal and good quality wooden frames for wall-hung art. I’ve also made some attempts at resin castings of sculpted pieces, painting resin, and bas-relief sculpting based on some of my nature photos.
I’m looking forward to organizing my brain enough to write up some new tutorials and walk-through posts, but I also have a new challenge. I need to prepare a presentation on polymer clay art, which I’ll be giving during the noon hour of 21 March at the 16th St Gallery in Racine. Most of it will be about what has inspired me, the natural forms that I use, my tools and methods, and my work so far. I do intend to bring some clay and tools, though, to give a little bit of a demonstration of some of the methods. If you’ve read through my tutorials and wished for a demonstration, this will be your chance. If I don’t hyperventilate and pass out from panic (fingers crossed!), I’ll also be answering questions afterward.
Prototaxis (Ex Mortuis)
Gallery on 16th
Artists’ Reception 5-8pm 28 Feb, 2019
Artist’s Lunch Hour Talk
12-1pm 21 March, 2019
For more information about the gallery and 16th St events, visit www.racineartsandbusinesscenter.com/art-gallery
Back to the polymer mines!